Guidance Through Life

These few verses that are shown here all have something in common. They all say basically that we as humans can make the decisions, then once we have made the decision, God will guild us throughout every step. They also say that God will guide the steps of a good man, and that these steps will please Him. 

Man’s knowledge is very limited. Therefore we need someone who already knows the future and knows what it holds; someone that can tell us and lead us down a path that will be fruitful and prosperous for us. That someone is God. He will lead us down the right path if we stay focused on Him and have faith in His plan for us because His plan is always better than anything we could imagine.

Man does not need to try and figure out everything that goes on around us in this world we live in. God did not design it for us to figure out everything and if we did know and figure out everything, then why would we ever need Him. 

It says in the Bible that we are suppose to take the initiative, take a leap of faith, and do our part. Once we have done this, and we have faith in Christ that he will guide and direct us, then He will guide us through every step. 

Fate…. Many people make it complicated, but I think it is very simple. Even before we were born, before time began, it says in the Bible and i believe it fully, that God had a plan for us; a destiny that no one can alter. God already has a plan for our lives, we just have to follow the path that he has already set before us and we will end up where He would have us.

We as humans are not able to change Gods sovereign will for our lives. We just have to trust in Him that he knows best and that he will lead us down the right path. It will not always be easy to see Gods plan for our lives, but if we take that initial step and do our part, then he will guide us the rest of the way.

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