Archive for March, 2012

Posted in Uncategorized on March 23, 2012 by dwollett

Part 1

What is  his full name: William Shakespeare

Did he have any nicknames: the Bard of Avon

When was he born: No one is sure when he was born

What is the globe theater: This was a theater where shakespeare held his plays. It was about 100 feet wide and had no roof.

When did he die: April 23, 1616

Was he Married: He was married at the age of 18 to Anne Hathaway who was 26 at the time. Some of his sonnets people say have content in them that show that he could have had feelings for a young man, but others show that he was clearly heterosexual. 

How many plays did shakespeare write: He wrote around 37 plays but no one is for sure that is the exact number

What is Shakespeare’s great contribution to our culture: He contributed many things such has showing people how interesting and emotional a play can really be. He came up with new words that would help us in todays society express ourselves with a larger vocabulary.

What is Shakespeare’s greatest contribution to literature and language today: Shakespeare has introduced to  us a new way to look at literature. He has made it so we can express ourlseves with a wider vocabulary. He has introduced to us 1700 new words that he incorporated into his plays that we still use today.

5 Interesting facts about Shakespeare: There are no descendants of Shakespeare still alive today, William was actually an actor and not only a play writer, Shakespeare never reviled his work to the public, A lot of people believe that Shakespeare did not write any of his plays because the rest of his family was illiterate, William Shakespeare also lived through the Blake Death.

Part 2

1. Road 

2. It has to same meaning as today. 

3. The original word road is the same “road” we use in todays time.

4.The route between two places that is usually paved

King David as a Tragic Hero

Posted in Uncategorized on March 17, 2012 by dwollett

At first when i new i had to write a blog about King David being a tragic hero i did not think that he fit the characteristics of a stereotypical tragic hero, but the more i looked into his story and looked at the characteristics, i saw King David more as a tragic hero; I do not believe that he fits perfectly into all the characteristics of a tragic hero.

David some mistakes in his life; some that can be very hard to forgive someone for. Should we sit back and distance ourselves from David and say that his sin is so much worse than ours? No, we should accept David for who he is and try to bring him back on the path that God has set before him. Sometimes we look at the people around us and we see their sin and somehow distance ourselves from that sin thinking that we are never capable of doing what that person over there is doing, when just ten minutes ago we did the same exact thing maybe just not as straight forward. It says in the Bible that we have to take the plank out of our own eye before be can take the saw dust out someone else’s eye. That is what we must do when we look at David or any other tragic hero in ancient times.

There are some things in Davids life that do not fit the requirements for him to be called a tragic hero. To be a tragic hero, you had to be born in to a noble family and David was just a shepherd. Also to be called a tragic hero, the tragic hero is not suppose to know that he is going to fall by his own flaws, but with David, i think he clearly knew what he was doing and that there would be consequences. This is because he had a strong relationship with God before he did all these things with Bathsheba and to her husband.


Anders, Mickey. “Lectionary Sermons, 2 Samuel 11:1-15, Proper 12B, “Tragic Flaw””Lectionary Preaching Resources. 2006. Web. 16 Mar. 2012. 

“R3509.” David: Inspired Leader or Tragic Hero? Web. 16 Mar. 2012. 


Oedipus as a Tragic Hero

Posted in Uncategorized on March 15, 2012 by dwollett

Sometimes it is hard to identify with the things that kings and queens did in the past because they had different cultures and different ways of life. What we don’t understand is that we do the same thing as they did long ago. We simply either do not realize it or don’t want to accept that in some ways were just like people 2000 years ago.

No matter who we are, what time period we are in, or what mistakes we have made, we should accept people for who they are. God loves us no matter when we lived or what we’ve done and we should treat everyone with respect. We should not only respect them, but also try to help them along their walk with God.

Oedipus i believe was a tragic hero because of all that he went through and he never saw any of it coming. It really fascinates me how he basically lived half of his whole life not knowing that the person he was married to was his wife and the person he head killed was his father. I can’t believe he did not at least investigate a little just to see if the oracle was telling the truth or not. Oedipus’s story only got worse after he found out for sure that he was the one that killed his father and married his mother when his wife-mom ran off and hung herself.

Most greeks in ancient times thought and fully believed that the fall of a man is the most tragic thing that can ever happen to man. Christians believe that the destruction of man on earth is not the worst thing that can happen to a man. We believe that not knowing Christ while your here in this world and because of that going to Hell and burning for eternity. We as Christians believe in forgiveness and we believe that no matter what we do, God will still love us and take us back if we repent to Him.

At the end of the play, Oedipus still have a small sense of pride but realizes all that he had is gone. He respects now all the people he once insulted and thought little of.Oedipus learns from his mistakes from the past, but still has to deal with the consequences of his actions




Posted in Uncategorized on March 11, 2012 by dwollett

Teiresias is blind but sees. Oedipus has eyes but is blind. (line 413) Why is Oedipus, the man who solved the riddle of the Sphinx, so slow to solve the riddle of his own identity 

There is a lot that can be said about Oedipus not recognizing or knowing what was really going on in his life. I believe that we have to take into effect that Oedipus was very self centered and egotistic. Because of this, he did not think about who he was killing at the time or did not look into who he was actually marrying.

If i was Oedipus, and i knew and believed what the oracle had said, I would avoid killing anyone at all cost and would highly investigate who the woman was i was marrying. Even though Oedipus thought that his adopted parents were his actual parents, i would have seriously taken in to consideration what the drunk man said about me being adopted.

Theiresias sees past all that is going on in Oedipus’s life and sees straight down to the core of his life. He can see past the ego and everything else that is blocking Oedipus from knowing the truth. Oedipus has every material possession that anyone could ever want. He solved the riddle of the town, he is the king of the kingdom, and a beautiful wife. I do not think he even wanted to cared who he was marrying.

At the end of the story, Oedipus finally figures out what is going on and so does his wife-mom. He then gauges out his own eyes. If someone gauges out there own eyes, that is a sign of shame and humility; a sign of hatred for oneself. In the case of Oedipus, it was especially a sign of regret and wishing you had never seen anything and never wanting to see anything again.

I believe that this story is a great example of what a big ego and self centeredness can do to someone. Its good while it last, but eventually its going to tear you down until you have nothing left. We as humans are suppose to be humble and respect others no matter if we dislike them or not.

Guidance Through Life

Posted in Uncategorized on March 1, 2012 by dwollett

These few verses that are shown here all have something in common. They all say basically that we as humans can make the decisions, then once we have made the decision, God will guild us throughout every step. They also say that God will guide the steps of a good man, and that these steps will please Him. 

Man’s knowledge is very limited. Therefore we need someone who already knows the future and knows what it holds; someone that can tell us and lead us down a path that will be fruitful and prosperous for us. That someone is God. He will lead us down the right path if we stay focused on Him and have faith in His plan for us because His plan is always better than anything we could imagine.

Man does not need to try and figure out everything that goes on around us in this world we live in. God did not design it for us to figure out everything and if we did know and figure out everything, then why would we ever need Him. 

It says in the Bible that we are suppose to take the initiative, take a leap of faith, and do our part. Once we have done this, and we have faith in Christ that he will guide and direct us, then He will guide us through every step. 

Fate…. Many people make it complicated, but I think it is very simple. Even before we were born, before time began, it says in the Bible and i believe it fully, that God had a plan for us; a destiny that no one can alter. God already has a plan for our lives, we just have to follow the path that he has already set before us and we will end up where He would have us.

We as humans are not able to change Gods sovereign will for our lives. We just have to trust in Him that he knows best and that he will lead us down the right path. It will not always be easy to see Gods plan for our lives, but if we take that initial step and do our part, then he will guide us the rest of the way.

Guidance Through Life

Posted in Uncategorized on March 1, 2012 by dwollett

These few verses that are shown here all have something in common. They all say basically that we as humans can make the decisions, then once we have made the decision, God will guild us throughout every step. They also say that God will guide the steps of a good man, and that these steps will please Him. 

Man’s knowledge is very limited. Therefore we need someone who already knows the future and knows what it holds; someone that can tell us and lead us down a path that will be fruitful and prosperous for us. That someone is God. He will lead us down the right path if we stay focused on Him and have faith in His plan for us because His plan is always better than anything we could imagine.

Man does not need to try and figure out everything that goes on around us in this world we live in. God did not design it for us to figure out everything and if we did know and figure out everything, then why would we ever need Him. 

It says in the Bible that we are suppose to take the initiative, take a leap of faith, and do our part. Once we have done this, and we have faith in Christ that he will guide and direct us, then He will guide us through every step. 

Fate…. Many people make it complicated, but I think it is very simple. Even before we were born, before time began, it says in the Bible and i believe it fully, that God had a plan for us; a destiny that no one can alter. God already has a plan for our lives, we just have to follow the path that he has already set before us and we will end up where He would have us.

We as humans are not able to change Gods sovereign will for our lives. We just have to trust in Him that he knows best and that he will lead us down the right path. It will not always be easy to see Gods plan for our lives, but if we take that initial step and do our part, then he will guide us the rest of the way.

These few verse…

Posted in Uncategorized on March 1, 2012 by dwollett

These few verses that are shown here